
Healthy Banana Muffins


I am currently on Day 15 of being sugar free and eating clean! This is a great accomplishment for me because prior to this challenge, I was ADDICTED to sugar and desserts. I found myself always craving sweets and always going back for seconds and thirds because one slice of cake was never enough to satisfy my sweet tooth.

The first week was easy because I was excited about the challenge and really did not think too much about desserts but as the weekend rolled around I got cravings.  Instead of giving in to the sugar black hole, I looked up healthy sugar free recipes on my OG, Pinterest. We had some overripe bananas sitting around in the kitchen so I looked up a banana bread recipe. I chose a recipe that 405 people tried to make, so I decided to become the 406 person to try it. However, this recipe called for 3/4 cups of sugar, and I knew I couldn’t break my challenge, thus I substituted the sugar with 3 Tbsp of Stevia (I still try to limit my stevia consumption).


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Just heat a muffin in the microwave or toaster oven and put on a little butter on it and BAM you have a little treat!




I would never lead you all astray, therefore, I must tell you guys to keep in mind this is not going to be as tasty or as sweet as most traditional banana breads. This is for people that need a bakery treat but are determined to stay sugar-free and avoid processed and unclean foods as much as possible. If you would like my family’s go-to secret recipe for full-fat, full-sugar banana bread it is attached below! Enjoy which ever recipe your heart desires!😘

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